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So far Stefania Caldwell has created 22 blog entries.

Homemade hydro-thermal treatment; work out recovery.

Ever heard of Vichy shower or Scotch Hose? You can reap the benefits of these 2 historical treatments combined in your own shower with a little bit of creativity… 🙂

It’s the best thing you can do for sore muscles as well as a contribution to your weight loss goals: simply jump in your shower, make it hot at first than start switching to cold.. play it back and forth improvising positions and seconds of exposure to the cold water (it literally takes your breath away).

By |2019-01-02T17:38:46-06:00January 2, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Homemade hydro-thermal treatment; work out recovery.

The miracle of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa)


It is a plant of humble origins, first discovered in Egypt, even found in the tomb of Tutankhamen (the great Pharaoh  that ruled from 1332 till 1323 b.C.)

Nigella Sativa is still yielding its healing properties as well as adding its characteristic flavor to our food preparations nowadays under the common names of caraway, black cumin, coriander.Numerous studies have been published on the incredible varieties of properties of its oil, known as Black Seed Oil. Very interesting findings for all of us to keep […]

By |2018-03-21T10:34:03-05:00March 21, 2018|Blog|Comments Off on The miracle of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa)

Gut health and brain health…. fascinating studies!

The more I research on the importance of a healthy GI tract and on the anti-fungal diet that works so beautifully, the more I am grateful to Doug Kaufman and  his work – www.knowthecause.com

Here is an exerpt from Wikipedia about the composition of the gut flora. Great work, too bad that it is another example of how little is known out there about fungi and mycotoxins… one more time, thank you Doug and thank you to the companies he endorses that allows us to enjoy anti-fungal supplements that are worth our money; www.bioactivenutrients.com is one of those and […]

By |2017-01-11T12:17:05-06:00January 11, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Gut health and brain health…. fascinating studies!

Orthopedic versus Medical Massage: a word from the Master James Waslaski

“Orthopedic Massage vs. Medical Massage: Are We Using the Correct Terminology?

By James Waslaski

Several weeks ago, after discussing my mother’s “medical” condition with her surgeon, I realized how vital it is for our profession to establish the differences between medical and orthopedic massage.

My mother had a critical medical condition called a dissecting aortic aneurysm, in which she exhibited low back pain symptoms, similar to someone with a tight iliopsoas. The medical doctor expected kidney problems, but – through divine intervention – an MRI discovered the massive aneurysm near the bifurcation of the femoral arteries, and it was ready […]

By |2017-01-10T17:01:44-06:00January 10, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Orthopedic versus Medical Massage: a word from the Master James Waslaski

Rib Pain…. “can’t get no respect” – Erik Dalton and Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques

Every therapist should take a class with Erik Dalton, one of my mentors. Home study program is excellent. Please check www.erikdalton.com.

Like James Waslaski likes to say: “We need to raise the bar of the industry”… there is so much we can do to get people out of pain with bodywork.

I feel privileged to have studied this guys lifetime work, and to keep studying it!! My CEUs are always carefully picked… actually for the State of Texas massage therapist needs 6 CEUs a year, and you can check out how sad the CEU market is. Poor quality classes just to get […]

By |2015-01-16T08:29:24-06:00January 16, 2015|Blog|Comments Off on Rib Pain…. “can’t get no respect” – Erik Dalton and Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques

Sport Injuries: foot pain

foot muscles and soft tissue  A beautiful image of the disarming complexity of a foot and its soft tissue components. It’s a miracle of engineering!

I just finished and interesting session on a football player. Lot of pain in the foot but nothing showed on X-rays.

Same old dilemma…. What is it that hurts?

I refuse to get lost in speculations. After 16 years in practice I assure you that it does not even matter to know…

I have a very easy, down to hearth recipe that I like to use: Achieve muscles resting length […]

By |2015-01-05T15:18:39-06:00January 5, 2015|Blog|1 Comment

Sport Injuries – why Therapeutic Bodywork is effective

hamstrings2 Hamstring-Action

The Hamstring Group is prone to injuries in sports. That’s a fact.

If you imagine the load they have to carry when that foot hits the ground, shifts the weight and pushes off the ground… if you add the fact that the front line of the legs is naturally stronger than the back line, it means that at the full of their extension the hamstrings are the ones who snap!!  A tight cable breaks if pulled even more, right? It all goes […]

By |2014-12-30T09:09:40-06:00December 30, 2014|Blog|8 Comments

Therapeutic Massage and the concept of Tensegrity


If we examine how our body stands up in gravity, and how the soft tissue “bands” (muscles, tendons, fascial web) allow our skeleton to stay up, it’s easy to understand how important it is to get our muscles worked on in order to bring them back to their natural resting length.

Another important key of the puzzle is the fact that in the inner ear we have that beautiful mechanism that allows our brain to determine our position in gravity: the Otolith Organs. Therefore, eyes and ears will always be level to the ground as default, to maintain our equilibrium… Consequently, compensations have […]

By |2014-12-23T09:46:56-06:00December 23, 2014|Blog|1 Comment

Natural foods for post work-outs recovery

cranberriesCranberries (Vaccinium Oxycoccus)

A powerful berry, used by Native American for centuries.

–          Salicylic acid (oh look, our good old Aspirin!!), anti-inflammatory

–          Polyphenols – immune system help, key factor in antiviral effect

–          Anti-oxidant – helps with oxidative stress

–          American Indians used it for centuries to help with UTI infections

tart cherryCheck this out:  (ref.: Life Extension Magazine June 2013; Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Tart Cherry; By Michael Downey)

“High-intensity or prolonged physical activity of any kind typically causes muscle damage, resulting in oxidative stress, inflammation, […]

By |2014-12-22T12:20:09-06:00September 3, 2014|Blog|1 Comment
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