About Stefania Caldwell

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So far Stefania Caldwell has created 22 blog entries.

Orthopedic Bodywork and Eye-Care

Pressure behind your eyes? Not enough arm length any more to read fine prints? He-he-he, I am only 46 year YOUNG and thanks to “Dr” Glenn Kimball and his dog Cloe, I got a wonderful recipe that is really helping my eye-sight:

220px-Bilberry  Bilberry Vaccinium Myrtillusalmost impossible to cultivate, grows wild in Europe, in cold climates (for my Italians, I MIRTILLI!!!).

What we normally buy in the stores here as blueberry is Vaccinium Cyanococcus 220px-PattsBlueberries always of the family!!!

Bilberry contains ANTHOCYANOSIDES; […]

By |2014-08-18T09:14:31-05:00August 18, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Orthopedic Bodywork and Eye-Care

Orthopedic massage and Osteoarthritis (wear and tear)

20140802_171522A wonderful hike!! Yet, due to the uneven ground, I had to work some nagging pains out of my knee that night. Never ever leave a joint compressed. That’s how wear and tear starts (osteoarthritis). So you guys out there enjoying outdoors. .. come and get your tune-up! Orthopedic Bodywork maintenance program allows you to stay sound and to keep enjoying what you love. 🙂

By |2014-08-04T08:46:54-05:00August 4, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Orthopedic massage and Osteoarthritis (wear and tear)

Orthopedic Massage and maintenance programs

Weather you are one of my pro-athletes or not, due to my 16 years experience as a bodyworker in the athletic field,  I feel comfortable to recommend you go on the table on a regular basis.  How often?

Listen to your body and come before that little nagging stiffness turns into something more serious.  

Do you know that in China doctors are supposed to  work for you to stay healthy? A patient getting sick is not a good work. On the contrary, us westerners go see a doctor only when we are already sick; our Western medicine is designed to relive […]

By |2014-07-12T10:11:18-05:00July 12, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Orthopedic Massage and maintenance programs

Orthopedic Massage and getting back on track

HPIM1939 Maybe you just got back from vacation where your diet got a little bit… confused; maybe you were unable to follow your exciting but strict work-out routine since you were so busy exploring and taking in new things. Let’s face it: we work so hard to stay strong and in shape and it takes very little to lose what we had accomplished before hitting the road…

No panick! Just go back to your Love for your Temple and feel the joy to work for your long term health care plan (home-made, no insurance […]

By |2014-06-17T20:23:20-05:00June 17, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Orthopedic Massage and getting back on track

Orthopedic Massage and good old natural remedies

Sore from working out too hard? I mean, really stuck, when muscles even stay contracted… 🙁


1. Congratulations! Our bodies are build for movement; that’s how we stay healthy and happy!!

2. Try this: Magnesium Oil and DMSO every 4 hours on sore spots. On average, 3 times it’s all it takes to recover!

3. After a day or two, a good myofascia release massage to get the muscles relaxed and flushed.


Thank you God for your Creation…. we do not need to look any further for help!!   DMSO stays for dymethil sulfoxide, from the tree pulp; athletes have been using it forever! Magnesium […]

By |2014-05-25T20:30:11-05:00May 13, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Orthopedic Massage and good old natural remedies

How the Therapeutic Massage world can be interesting..

Massage is very ancient. We all know the benefits of touch and the industry out there offers a wide variety of modalities and services.

A good swedish massage can be a very soothing experience, a well-done sport massage pre-event can warm up an athlete and set his mind right whereas a post-event can help with the soreness of an intense performance. I personally love all of the above and more but I do something different.

My Orthopedic Bodywork, in 16 years grew to be a tool to get out of pain and soreness, to right-set the body in its natural alignment so […]

By |2014-05-03T15:12:55-05:00May 3, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on How the Therapeutic Massage world can be interesting..

Orthopedic Massage – a word directly from its Father, James Waslaski, one of my US teachers and mentors

The Author wants to stress the importance of doing pelvic stabilization first, and taking a close look at cervical conditions, to resolve contributing factors that can cause or mimic complicated conditions.

Compensatory pain coming from other areas of the body are referred to as ascending or descending syndromes.

Musculoskeletal problems in the lower body that affect clinical conditions of the neck and shoulder are colled ascending syndromes; when they come from cervical conditions and contribute to thoracic outlet or carpal tunnel, are called descending syndromes. In the case of nerve compression in the neck […]

By |2014-04-05T11:11:04-05:00April 5, 2014|Blog|1 Comment

Myofascia release

One of my introductory modalities, working along the myofascial meridians (please refer to Thomas Mayer brilliant work) is to me pretty much one of the main keys to explore an unknown territory.

Every client is like a new land. Everything is unknown. Yet, fascia do not lie… our words do, they negate the evidence, take a wider path etc, etc, but fascia is a straight line from what we think and what we do, also describing how we do what we do.

The exploration of these unknown is non-judgmental on my part. My greatest gift to a client is to allow his/her […]

By |2014-03-22T18:55:24-05:00March 22, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Myofascia release

“Stabilization: the core and beyond”

From the work of Aline Newton, Certified Advanced Rolfer – www.alinenewton.com

“Spinal stabilization involves a co-contraction of lumbar multifidus and transversus abdominis. Core health means an effectively stabilized low-back.

Over many centuries and many cultures the movement that brings the navel toward the spine has been recognized as essential to good health. It surfaces from the practice of yoga to the Chinese tradition of martial arts, Tai Chi and so on.

The actual function of stability is about staying in balance, or “an appropriate relationship with gravity“, like Ida Rolf used to say. Our orientation in gravity shapes our impressions of things, of […]

By |2014-03-22T18:46:04-05:00March 22, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on “Stabilization: the core and beyond”

Food, chemicals and estrogen dominance related pathologies. Awareness is the key and Orthopedic Bodywork offers a highly educational “Client self-care Program” to empower clients to their own health.

This article originally appeared on AlterNet.


Americans have become huge. Between the 1960s and the 2000s, Americans grew, on the average, an inch taller and 24 pounds heavier. The average American man today weights 194 pounds and the average woman 165 pounds. The growing girth has led to the creation of special-sized ambulances, operating tables and coffins as well as bigger seats on planes and trains. Almost a third of American children and teens are overweight, but 84 percent of parents believe their children are at a healthy weight in one study. Why? The adults are probably overweight […]

By |2014-03-13T18:27:52-05:00March 13, 2014|Blog|Comments Off on Food, chemicals and estrogen dominance related pathologies. Awareness is the key and Orthopedic Bodywork offers a highly educational “Client self-care Program” to empower clients to their own health.
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